Support us

One in four women in Ireland is affected by domestic abuse. Your fundraising enables us to continue to be there for the next woman who needs our support. We've helped thousands of women and their children to live safer, happier lives, free from abuse, thanks to the wonderful people who fundraise on our behalf.

There are lots of ways to fundraise for Women's Aid, and whatever you do, we'll be there to support you every step of the way.

Our Events

Walk 80k in February

Saturday 1 to Friday 28 February 2025

International Women's Day Coffee Morning

Saturday 8 March 2025

  • AJ Sweeney just donated €50.00
  • Voltedge just donated €106.00
  • Flynn O'Driscoll Charity Committee just donated €550.00
  • Sue Martin just donated €21.20
  • The Well just donated €150.00
  • Anonymous just donated €7596.00
  • Luisa Di Somma just donated €25.00
  • Anonymous just donated €150.00
  • Diana Bednarz Pyzio just donated €290.00
  • Anonymous just donated €10.00
  • Katie Killian just donated €10.60
  • Aoife O'Donovan just donated €16.20
  • Melanie Claffey just donated €10.60
  • Maja just donated €15.90
  • Nicola Di Silvio just donated €10.00
  • Kate Ward just donated €21.20
  • Pure And Simple Gift Store just donated €90.00
  • John Kilgannon just donated €10.00
  • Anne Kelly just donated €26.50
  • Leo Conway just donated €26.50

Now is the moment
we can act – together.

Across Ireland one in four women live with suffocating abuse from someone they once loved and trusted.  We rarely know it is happening. Or, if we do, we don’t know what to say, or do.

But Women’s Aid does  |  And we need your help

Your support will help in so many ways


More women will be able to access the National Freephone Helpline that runs 24 hours a day, seven days a week, so no matter when a woman makes the call, there is someone at the other end of the line to listen, to help.


Women who are abused while they are pregnant can get support from our dedicated maternity outreach worker.


We can continue our Emergency, Security and Legal Funds for women engaged with our face-to-face frontline services, providing an essential lifeline and providing them with some crucial financial independence.


We’ll be able continue campaigns like Too Into You, protecting future generations by educating young people what healthy relationships look like and highlighting the red flags of intimate relationship abuse.

And there is so much more we can do with your help.