Natalie Redmond

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I’m hosting a coffee morning this International Women's Day to raise much needed funds for Women’s Aid.

Across Ireland one in three women live with suffocating abuse from someone they once loved; someone they once trusted. Every 5 minutes, someone reaches out to Women’s Aid for information and support.

Your support will bring hope, healing and the possibility of a brighter future for women and children. Simply click the Donate button. All donations are processed securely. You can also share my page using Share options below. I hope you can support me by donating whatever you can.

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Our coffee morning !!!

Thursday 27th Feb
On Friday 7th and Saturday 8th of march from 9 - 6pm. we are holding a coffee morning in our salon located on 19 main St PortLaois. we are holding this even to receive donations for woman's aid/Laois domestic violence abuse. 
we will have lots of fresh pastries, cakes, cookies and much more! including coffee and tea. if cookies aren't your thing then, apoligies as we will also be holding a guess the cookie! (you guess the amount of cookies in a jar if you are correct you win the jar!)
 due to us consisting of all female staff this event holds a deep place in our hearths. the last time we held an event similar to this we held a Bakesale and donated half of the days takings. after the death of Ashling murphy.

so please ! show your love and excitement for this cause. as it has a huge place in our hearths. 
cant wait to see you all on Friday !